New Ocean Wave Energy Conversion Turbines


This new model can harness ocean wave motion into reciprocating motion or continuous rotation by pushing water waves of the ocean. The photographs can give a look of the conceptual physical models. These models can be manufactured into a larger size so that higher commercial power production can be done. These turbines may not look like regular hydraulic turbines. Powerful hydraulic movements of the ocean waves can give a heavy push and pull are left underutilized so far. The enormous energy can be well utilized for all our energy needs without making any harmful emissions if the challenges of the ocean is well understood. Mathematical equations involved include: (a) Power in water waves P = [{1/2} ρ A V3 ] in Watts ρ - Density of water kg/m3, A is the Swept Area of the turbine rotor m2, V- velocity of water waves m/sec. and (b) Kinetic Energy possessed by the rotating turbine rotor = [{1/2} m k2ω2 ] m - mass of the rotor, k - Radius of gyration. ω - Angular speed in Radians 1.8. Nuclear and thermal energy power plants may be gradually closed. When ocean wave energy is tapped in large quantum which is there all around the world all thermal plants and nuclear plants can be gradually withdrawn from further producing harmful and dangerous pollution. Ocean wave energy is not just an alternate energy but this can become a main source of everlasting energy.


Arulappan Swaminathan
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Designed Objects


Ocean wave energy everlasting Green energy conversion turbine double acting