Where We Stand: Backstage Gender Equity


Our investigation focuses on a relatively unexplored area of concern—equitable representation of women, trans, and non-binary theatrical designers, craftspeople, and technicians. This historically male-dominated field has been extremely slow to address issues of gender equity, even as the U.S. theatre industry is perceived by outsiders to be a diverse and welcoming industry. In this manner, Theatre mirrors other creative industries, from film and television, to fine art, to computer animation and video game development. Over the last two years, we conducted video interviews with female-identifying and trans/non-binary folks with careers in theatre design in large US cities. Our subjects ranged from young artists to mid-career designers to Broadway legends. In this paper, we discuss our analysis of the interviews which reveal an interesting spectrum of ideology about the current state of affairs and how to best address inequities.


Kristen Morgan
Associate Professor, Communication, Film, and Theatre, Eastern Connecticut State University, Connecticut, United States

Jennifer Rock
University of Otago


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Equity, Feminism, Gender Identity, Theatre Design, Scenography