A Professional Athlete’s Post-Surgery Road Back to the Elite Level of Sport and Self-identity


Professional athletes are considered amongst the elite athletes in the world. Every year there are many professional athletes from around the world that elect to have surgery on an injured part of their body. Many of these professional athletes elect to undergo surgery in order to repair their injury and prolong their professional sport career. Post-surgery, most professional athletes are required to complete a physical rehabilitation program that is designed to aid their recovery and ease them back into elite-level game competition. For some professional athletes, the surgery and/or rehabilitation process can be mentally challenging (Raybaudo, 2014). This study considers how it can be highly beneficial for professional athletes to think positive thoughts, remain optimistic and explore aspects of self-Identity during the physical rehabilitation period (Stier, 2007). By doing so, professional athletes may return to the elite level of sport, regain potentially lost aspects of their self-Identity and prepare for life after sport.


Mark Worrell
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, University of The Ozarks, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2021 Special Focus: Towards a (Design) New Deal


Professional Athletes, Self-Identity, Rehabilitation, Post-Surgery, Life After Sport