Going Beyond the Textbook: Incorporating a Book Club Model into the Interior Design Studio Course


Undergraduate interior design students arrive to studio courses with a variety of learning styles and are typically enrolled in multiple classes. In general, the design studio education process is flexible enough to provide opportunities for students with different learning styles to engage in the required course content. However, interior design studio courses often require textbooks that range from technical knowledge to research and design application. While some students may struggle to purchase the textbooks, others may have difficulty retaining or understanding the technical content of the reading. This presents an issue with providing equitable access to education for interior design students. This paper considers a unique approach to engaging interior design students in required readings through careful curation of popular books and the organization of a “studio book club” during each semester’s interior design studio course for the past three years. While the books are often written in a more “casual” writing style, the content is typically more relatable for students and can be a more enjoyable experience. Additionally, these books can be provided by the interior design department each semester or are more accessible to students since the cost is usually much lower than the average cost of a textbook. As a result of this approach, interior design students surveyed have reported a deeper understanding of course content and a greater perceived benefit from the studio course content. The subsequent in-class discussions have increased student engagement in the required readings and resulted in more socially conscious design solutions.


Adam Nash
Assistant Professor, Interior Design Department, University of the Incarnate Word, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Interior Design, Education, Pedagogy, Equity, Learning