Call to Action! Empowering Student Activity: Engaging Students in Social Advocacy with Design


As visual communicators we can very effectively reach the masses with the immediacy of graphics and imagery. With this power comes the responsibility to inform and persuade audiences in favor of just and ethical social causes. As design educators, we have the opportunity to influence and engage students in this type of social advocacy using graphic design. There are many ways to beat this drum as a call to action. It can start with a single project in a classroom or can be a full-course in Social Design. Outside the classroom, engagement in extra-curricular activities such as “Get Out the Vote” and “Replace-the-Hate” workshops can be immersive, active and collaborative. At the core of these teaching practices are learning components such as service-learning, active-learning and collaborative-learning that help engage students with more purposeful experiences. In the process of self-discovery and group action, they develop a voice to empower their abilities to design with social impact and thus become more conscientious designers. This paper concentrates on the teaching elements and results from this type of student engagement.


Doris Palmeros
Associate Professor, Graphic Design, University of the Incarnate Word, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design Advocacy, Student Engagement, Service Learning, Social Design, Design Education