Visual Coding for Research on the Future´s Hospitals: A Tool for Scientific Analysis and Communication through Design


Bringing scientific knowledge closer to the project field through visual communication strategies is a challenge for graphic design. Through its representation methods it can transform language to improve the dissemination of knowledge. Therefore, this study shows the results of a tool developed within the framework of research carried out for an architecture studio, specialists in health projects, under the question of How will the hospitals of the future? Through an iconographic and infographic visual coding developed from two types of information sources: 1. Scientific Publications (Articles). 2. Primary sources (Surveys). The articles are obtained from a systematic review based on the question. In addition to concepts defined based on previously developed macro themes. From the combination of these concepts with “future hospital” and by applying the review methodology, a total of 94 articles were obtained to be analyzed. For each article, an icon is assigned that best represents its theme. Once coded, the results are grouped according to the classification of the macro themes, through an infographic for each case. The same is true for primary sources, where one icon is assigned per thematic set of survey results. Later they are grouped according to the macro themes, forming an explanatory infographic of the qualitative information obtained. Finally, it is observed how this process of iconographic and infographic coding strengthens both the analysis process and the communication of the research towards architects and designers. And it becomes a practical method that allows reducing the gap between science and project.


Maria Jose Araya Leon
Académica, Tecnologías de Gestión, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile

Ricardo Guasch Ceballos

Laura Clèries Garcia
Elisava - Barcelona School of Design and Engineering


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Visual Design