Lock_Down Dictionary: Daily Life Practices in Pandemic and Post Pandemic Era


This paper examines and interprets the changing lifestyles with the Covid19 pandemic and lockdown from the perspective of architecture students. Ozyegin University-City and Architecture Master Program participated in Istanbul Architecture Festival with a Workshop title the Lock_down / Quarantine with the students of the program. As a result of the open call of the Istanbul Architecture Festival 2020, the workshop was included in the program of the festival that took place in December 2020. With the workshop, It was aimed to create a common “lockdown dictionary” with the establishment of new relations with heterotopeia-utopia-dystopian imagines by mapping of daily individual routines in phased “lockdown” (restrictions of movement,quarantine) and restricted freedom practices in pandemic processes and also by expressing them with concepts, redefining concepts, redefining “lockdown” for possible future applications, producing, deriving and discussing all these mappings and concepts. The workshop was also an exercise that will help to express the conceptual infrastructures of projects produced at different levels and processes in the context of trying different tools (text, diagrams, ideograms, graphics, maps, writing…) when expressing produced, derived, discussed, redefined concepts. While the dictionary to be created feeds on daily routines, spatial responses, spatial conceptualizations, concepts borrowed from medicine, popular culture such as newspapers, magazines, TV, it is expected that some of the concepts redefined/produced on the one hand will include spatial design exercises and/ or the imaginative studies of their spatial responses that may take place in daily life practices in future scenarios.


Hulya Turgut
Director of Urban Housing Research LAB, Architecture, Ozyegin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Istanbul, Turkey

Nagehan Acimuz Isbakan
Instructor, Ozyegin University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education