Through the Looking-glass of the Model for Collaborative Evaluations: Visual Communication Strategies for Evaluators


The Model for Collaborative Evaluations (MCE) comprises an innovative and rich structure of six complementary components. This paper utilizes the MCE component Ensure open communication, and its related subcomponent Ensure the message is clear, to explore how to communicate the evaluation results to stakeholders. For instance, evaluators with effective visual communication strategies and practices may experience an increase in stakeholder support. Also, evaluators may gain confidence and trust with a clear visual message. Lastly, the collaborative evaluation itself may benefit from informed visual imagery decision-making. This paper examines visual communication as a tool for collaborative evaluation, in order to create narrative displays. By utilizing the MCE, we provide a window into the uniqueness and ubiquity of evaluation community communication practices.


Dr. Wendy Dickinson
Faculty, Hillsborough Virtual School, School District of Hillsborough County, United States

Liliana Rodriguez-Campos
Department of Educational and Psychological Studies, University of South Florida


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Visual communication, Graphical display, Model for Collaborative Evaluation, Stakeholder Emboldment