A Study of the Remote Instruction for UX/UI Education: Happy Accident in Finding Effective Pedagogy from the Online Classroom and Instruction


This research investigates the discovery of new design pedagogy in remote instruction. Since remote instruction was introduced to design programs or majors in higher education, various positive and effective teaching and learning instructions have been discovered from empirical studies. This study experimented with various class activities of UX/UI disciplines that transformed into the online classroom. Even if there were various online UX/UI studies available, this study also addresses collected responses as to see if those online learning examples are more and less effective based on the students’ learning experiences in remote instruction. In addition, the new pedagogical instructions articulate a clarification of the difference between online and remote instruction. Thus, this study discusses significant findings for a successful model of remote instruction in UX/UI course as follows: 1) Interactive class communication and interaction method through video conferencing class meeting, 2) Review of digital tools for remote instruction friendly, 3) Analysis of effective pedagogy and learning, and 4) A further discussion of a distance study in a new education paradigm and trend.


Sang-Duck Seo
Professor, Graphic Design & Media/Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Remote Instruction, Virtual Classroom, Design Pedagogy