Share and Teach: A New Interactive Way of Designing Teaching Materials on Different Devices


Still today, interactive tools and touch screen devices are used in a traditional way by many teachers to prepare educational materials without using most of the possibilities offered by new technologies. The objective of this research is to promote a new way of using interactive white boards (IWB). The project, named “Share and Teach”, is dedicated to teachers and students of the primary school and proposes a new collaborative approach in managing and integrating training materials using interactive systems. In order to improve awareness among the users, this research has developed an innovative human machine interface (HMI) with a friendly graphic user interface (GUI) used to design educational items that can be accessed and modified through many kind of devices (IWB, pc, tablet, smart phone). This tool lets users to save data also on cloud with the possibility to log in and to work on the platform from everywhere. Finally, this method allows teachers to share and compare the strengths and weaknesses of the different teaching methodologies.


Lara Musa
Professor, Multimedia Design, ISIA Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche - Design University, Agrigento, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Distance learning, Interactive white board, Teaching, Learning, Design, User-interaction, User-experience