Enhancing Student Experience Through Service Design: Annual Degree Programme Review Practices


The research proposes a complementary approach to annual programme reviews that encourage shared governance of the programme design and delivery as well as shared leadership between staff and students. The approach we present demonstrates how partnering with students to co-design student experience can be approached using service design methodology. Our preliminary findings confirm that this approach leads to students reporting greater commitment to “leave their legacy” and engage in programme improvements for next student cohorts. Furthermore, the evidence shows that they have subsequently proactively explored how to contribute to programme improvements through student-led projects that they independently designed and delivered. The research paper demonstrates how partnering with students to co-design a solution to student engagement can be approached using service design methodology. We present the outcomes of a research project that has been based on a two-year enquiry carried out initially in Lancaster University Management School on MSc Management programme and now extended more broadly in the UK HE sector with the involvement of more than 150 students and 20 staff. The data has been collected through creative application of service design methodology in interactive workshops with students and staff. The research method critically reviews traditional service design methods such as persona profiling, customer journey mapping and ideation and offers possible adaptations to the HE context in order to provide a complementary human-centered framework to the current post-hoc feedback collection.


Radka Newton
Senior Teaching Fellow, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Lancaster University Management School, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Design Education


Service, Design, Student, Experience