Innovative Design Principles of Body Design of Automotive and Other Mobility Systems


Automotive Lightweighting and Joining is an introductory workshop material focusing on learning of basics of engineering design, properties, manufacturing processes, design aspects and design guidelines along with several real life examples and applications of aluminum and steel alloy materials commonly used in automotive and other applications. The topics are considered using ‘blended learning’ and ‘flipped class room’ approaches. Being an introductory model, only basics of all the covered topics are introduced. Where applicable, a comparison between metals and nonmetals is presented and discussed. This short course or workshop is also useful to practicing engineers interested in learning and implementing lightweight technologies in the industrial setting.


Raghu Echempati
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Kettering University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Design Management and Professional Practice


Materials, Automotive Structures, Functional Requirements, BIW