The Place of the Poster in Digital Era


This research presents the analytical framework, background review, conceptual hypotheses, case analysis, and purposes of continuing thesis study on the digital screen and motion graphic’s place in poster design. The author examines how the new generation of displays and screens affects posters’ perception and creation and how the multiple models, usability, and mutability of digital screens contribute to the posters’ character and duty through motion graphics and augmented reality. In this study, the author examines whether, in the peak of the digital screens, motion graphics, and advanced interactive technologies, the poster design is still bound to the print technology or has to be entirely reconceived as a specific form of the digital medium.


Karo Ahmadi Dehrashid
Assistant Professor , Department of Art, Design, and Art History, Webster University, Armed Forces Americas, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2021 Special Focus: Towards a (Design) New Deal


Graphic Design, Poster Design, Motion Graphics, Digital Media, Interactive Design