Utilizing the Intelligent Interior Design Framework through Classroom Pedagogy: Leveraging Cyber-technological Domains through the Design Process


Through the Intelligent Interior Design Framework (IIDF) utilization consisting of three technological domains; Smart Geometry, Ambient Intelligence, and Information Modeling, a pedagogical method is established for the classroom and practice. The IIDF map defines the transition in design thinking, which must occur in intelligent interiors as we move towards a global built environment operated by cyber- connectivity. Additionally, it demonstrates the rationale behind why the three domains in intelligent design work in tandem as ‘systems’ through the cyber interconnectivity of the Internet of Things. The diagram delineates and evaluates the digital software that generates various intelligent design outcomes within each domain, alleviating some ambiguity in the array of intelligent design terminology for the student and practitioners. It further substantiates a method for streamlining the intelligent design computational processes and terminologies, which often overlap, under one framework, which is often confusing during the design process. Through a sliding scale system between the three domains, the designer is instructed on strengthening their design outcomes by merging technologies from all three domains through an explorative process depending on the primary software of choice and enhanced by secondary cyber-technologies.


Holly Sowles
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Humanities/Art and Design Department, California State University, Fresno, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Education


Intelligent Interior Design, Smart Geometry, Ambient Intelligence, Information modeling, Information