The Lighting Force in Pandemic Time: Contribution of Interior Lighting Design


Interior lighting design is the hidden element that contributes unconsciously to users’ moods, perceptions, and emotions. The light is available so that no one thinks about its source or even about its power to support the human tasks. At the time of the recent pandemic and the lockdown force, effectively, almost all humans stay indoors. The interior lighting designer’s role – a specialty within the interior design – raises such timing to ease the users’ long days and nights within a fixed interior layout. The boredom and repetitive interior reduce productivity and life-fighting edges. Therefore, creative solutions could enhance the interiority of humans’ homes. The lighting design tools to create interiors that follow the functions are no more the common task. It should go beyond the physical functionality to the psychological and the diverse in these functions within the same interior settings. The lighting scenes, the adjustment in the color temperature of lights, and the colored lights should give hands in the proposed solutions that will alter the users’ interiority to consent the different tasks in the same places. The traditional lighting design in interiors deals mainly with the luminaires selection, the distribution, and the direction of light adds to the intensity appropriate to the functions. Hence, this paper evaluates multiple lighting scenes to advise the users with the proper layouts that fit the type of tasks in-homes, as it becomes an interior for multiple types of activities - residential, private social, and workspaces.


Naglaa Sami Abdelaziz
Assistant Professor - Interior Design Department, College of Architecture, Art, and Design, Ajman University, 'Ajmān, United Arab Emirates


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Interior Lighting, Pandemic and Interiority, Interior Lighting Design, Lighting Scenes