Exploring Image Making through Pictorial Shorthand and Abstraction in Typography: National Institute of Technology Sikkim Logo Design Project


Pictorial Shorthand is a technique in graphic design to help communicate through signs. In contemporary graphic design practice, it has been applied in logo designs. Such logos function at four levels: a. They transcend language barriers, b: Communicate more concisely, c: Generate higher recall value, d. Provide unique visual aesthetic to the form. This paper presents the entire method and journey involving pictorial shorthands and abstraction in typography to redesign the logo of the National Institute of Technology Sikkim (NITSKM). In the new logo symbol, each letterform becomes a powerful image of visual discourse. The ‘basic shorthand’ (of letters N, I, T and S) depicted as a planned imagery led to pictorial symbolism in the identity design. Each letterform is a sign that has a ‘sound image’ in context of language. Four such sound images formulate the NITS signifier. In addition, each letterform here is also an abstract image in context of pictorial shorthand technique. NITS together have an implicit visual syntax. Their sequential meaning emerges as the visual language of the final logo-symbol form. NITS together have an implicit visual syntax. Their sequential meaning emerges as the visual language of the final logo-symbol form. The enlarged, centrally placed ‘S’ gives the logo symbol an aesthetic and visual balance. Sikkim as part of the global education context has been depicted in the circular shape. The final colour palette in the visual identity manifests the cultural connect with the conscious choices and the meaning of Sikkim for local folks.


Dr. Nanki Nath
Faculty Member, Graphic Design, NID Ahmedabad , Gujarat, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Visual Design


Pictorial Shorthand, Local-Global Context, Abstract Typography, Logo Design, Northeast India