Inception - Method to Performance Related Feedback


Good feedback is critical to creativity and learning, yet rare. Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on performance. Formative feedback encourages critical thinking and self-reflection on one’s work, especially in a creative and open-ended domain such as design. Creativity is as uncomplicated as children learning to walk and run and every child develops his/her own method of learning to be creative. Creativity is in every action and can be understood as one’s expression to life and focuses on the process of forming original ideas through exploration and discovery making feedback personal and all the more difficult. Many people do not know how to actually provide effective feedback. There is an increasing demand for quality feedback and thus feedback givers – in learning and professional settings. This paper contributes empirical evidence on the various formats and practices of feedback, the nodes at which feedback is provided in reflection to the various stages of design thinking. It further explores the relation between feedback and creative milestones, both milestones set by the mentor as part of the design brief and milestones set by the participant as part of their design process. The observations are documented as a mentor and co-contributors in a participative and collaborative design studio. The feedback is analyzed based on the impact created on performance and are grouped at each stage of the design process to aid in developing a mentors’ canvas. The mentors’ canvas is tested in a controlled experiment to understand its effectiveness.


Hariesh K. Sankaran
Associate Professor, School of Interior and Furniture Design, United World Institute of Design, Gujarat, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Creativity, Formative, Feedback, Milestone, Perception