Speculating the Future of Collaboration in Design Education


Design educators teach and research in an ever-changing, complex, and global world. We need to educate future designers of their social responsibility in making valuable contributions not only in business and commerce but in healthcare, politics, sustainability, justice, etc. This expansive context requires new types of collaboration in the classroom that includes ways to work with large and diverse teams. To find pedagogical examples that prepare students for these types of collaboration, we solicited proposals from our peers and colleagues in Graphic Design. This work culminated in a wide range of international case studies of collaborative graphic design practice and pedagogical methodologies, both face-to-face and remote, and between individuals and groups. With this collection, we developed and published Collaboration in Design Education as a comprehensive guide for design educators and practitioners who want to take a collaborative approach in their design practice and studio. Our paper presentation will highlight structuring projects and curriculum, reflection opportunities, benefits, and outcomes, as well as the challenges that come up in collaborative work, such as cross-cultural exchange, or managing roles within a diverse team. While the examples we plan to show offer a current look into the graphic design education landscape, we will expand on the collection and speculate on the future of collaboration in design education.


Marty Maxwell Lane
Associate Professor, Graphic Design, Art, University of Arkansas, Arkansas, United States

Rebecca Tegtmeyer
Associate Professor, Art, Art History, and Design, Michigan State University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Collaboration, Pedagogy, Future