Cultural Détournement: The Impact of the Hijacking Movement


The Situationist International was a collective of young men whose communist and Marxist ideals drove their creativity and theory development. Guy Debord spearheaded the movement, and ultimately pushed his ideas beyond the movement in order to stir cultural revolution amongst classes who experienced social unrest. Just as they derived their methods and purpose from other movements, such Letterism, Situationism influenced a great deal of following movements as well. The impact of the SI can be felt throughout history within graphic design, politics, and culture. The main technique used by the SI was that of détournement, a hijacking of icons and mediums in order to bring about a new message. Their methods and theories are still prevalent and emphasized in today’s culture.


Mikki Shaw
MFA Student, Graphic Design, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Situationism, Design education, Graphic Design, Design History