Bringing the Field into the Laboratory: Examining the Impacts of Video 360 and Online Reality Tool on the Ethnography and Design Process


Ethnographic research method is widely adopted in a variety of design activities, ranging from examining how users interact with a copy machine, studying objects for everyday life at home, to the technology making process by actively involving a community (see e.g., Suchman 1987; Le Dantec & DiSalvo 2013; Pink, et al. 2017). By adopting the method, the designers can deeply analyze the data and subsequently developing new design ideas with effective and appropriate solutions. Unlike the ethnographic activities in the design process in general, where the process of field research usually result in many notes, photographs, and video and audio recording, in this study, we have conducted ethnographic research by making video 360°, which were recorded at several points at Alun-Alun of Bandung city. The results can be seen using a set of online reality (VR) tools and audio technology as a way to “bring” the real field experience into the laboratory. By incorporating video 360° recording and VR technology into the research and designing process, this paper found that the combination could stimulate a fruitful discussion among design researchers to discuss the fieldwork results in great detail and found some points that were unobserved by each researcher. The video data can also be utilized as a pre-study material on the field conditions, thus, other design researchers who will conduct additional research at the same place can have sufficient information and will be more sensitive and effective in finding data when doing ethnographic study in the field.


Meirina Triharini
Lecturer, Industrial Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design Ethnography, Virtual Reality, Creative Thinking, Field Studies