Past and Future of Product Design: Findings from Interviews with Professionals about Changes Practice


This study investigates how designers view and work under disruptive circumstances concerning the practice of design in which additive manufacturing, generative design, co-creation, and individualization of the product are increasingly being asked of professionals. To conduct these interviews, a script of questions was developed and tested that address the development of design practice regarding production and design technologies and the evolution of the designer’s relationship with the industry and the user. The interviewees were selected according to their professional experience and connection with different design universities. The results show a relative difficulty in adapting to the digital tools of designers with more years of experience and some difficulty in getting closer to the user. On the other hand, the results also made it clear that for designers with fewer years of experience, the difficulties go through the constant challenge of keeping up to date on technologies, tools, materials, and work methods. However, they are much more open to working with the user, co-creating, and product individualizing. With this study, it was also possible to underline some of the themes pertinent to address in design training, such as mathematics or chemistry, according to the interviewees. The study results also show that for design professionals, the main concern to be addressed in the future is the change in the production paradigm. This change makes design stop being, in its definition, product development for the masses, to be, in many cases, identity development and single-person product.


Telma Margarida Dias Ferreira
Student, PhD, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Victor Ferreira

Luis Mateus

Ian Campbell
Professor, Design School, Loughborough University, Leicester, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education