Streaming Knowledge Method: A Process for Clarifying Ideas


Design requires empathy, so that we can understand the users/clients we design for. However, in some cases personal perspectives may ‘sneak’ into the process, resulting in assumptions (instead of data) defining our users’ needs. How can we be more objective, and more sensitive to our own assumptions? I will share a practical method that helps develop self-awareness by simplifying ideas and communicating them in a concise way. The Streaming Knowledge Method uses a simple table, as well as participants’ intuitive knowledge, to help break ideas into relevant key-words, which are then re-defined and expanded to coherent arguments. The method helps clarify ideas to oneself (promoting self-awareness) and develop focused terminology for design and UX research. The session will offer an introduction to the method. We will develop keywords, a short paragraph of text, and also a simply collage (no artistic skills required). The collage will act as a visual reference point to reflect on the text.


Gil Dekel
Associate Lecturer, Open University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Design Education


Empathy, Research, Key-words, Users, Objective, Reflective, Professional, Effective, Method, Design