Design and the Logic of Change: A Results-based Search for Meaning in Architecture and Urban Development


This study examined design as a process of change. It argued that design, as an intervention, is geared towards change and its performance relative to that change can be subject to methodical analysis and to some extent, measured. It looked at samples from architecture and urban development fields to highlight the points of arguments. Surveys and interviews of design professionals and non-design respondents were conducted to strengthen the basis of analysis. Other data were gathered through desk research and documents reviews. Parallels were drawn from design ideas that many practitioners normally subscribe to in design practice. Analytical premises were used in coming up with solid theoretical propositions, through a mixture of inferential, deductive, and abductive reasoning processes. Finally, the paper advances a paradigm of Theory of Change, or Logic Model, to demonstrate how design, as intervention, can be subject to evaluation.


Romeo Santos
Professor, Architecture, University of the Philippines, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Design dynamics continuum, Intervention, Results-based Evaluation,Theory of Change