Women's Experience in Public Housing: The case of TOKI Uzundere


Urban transformation plays a significant role both in the social context and in the physical dimension. The study has critical approach that criticize the inadequacy in one of the recent projects, TOKI Uzundere Public Housing Project 1 , and underline the need to reconstruct urban transformation projects not only physically but also socially. As a pillar of urban transformation in 2009, people living in a Kadifekal gecekondu, 2 were placed in new apartment blocks from their own home in TOKI. Particularly, with regard to the relocation, some Kadifekale residents moved from their one- or two-story houses in Kadifekale to apartment blocks on the periphery of the city. In this context, the project focuses on the differences between fiction and experience in domestic use in TOKI, conquering different gender relationships by analyzing spatial transformations women use and reproduce their own spaces. This study aims to reveal gender balance of power, current dominant cultural perceptions, stereotypes and assumptions while examining the spatial tactics of women who reveal the different potentials of the space designed by the professional. The analyzes will show how the use of certain places in public housing units or the tactics developed by the user in line with their needs and how these spaces differ from each other.


Meltem Eranıl Demirli
Professor, Faculty of Architecture / Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Yasar University, Turkey , Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


TOKI, social space, gender, everyday life, spatial tactics