Design Inquiry - Reframing Game Design Research and Practices: Theory Building


Traditional theories of media and entertainment research were created in an era when media communication was mass in its nature. Theories focused on effects of media interaction that were one-way in communication. Games and interactive media have reversed this assumption by introducing real interactivity in the design and use of media. The objective of this paper is to review the existing literature on theories of entertainment media and assess the extent of their application in the study of contemporary game design and practices. The nature of game design is unique in comparison to traditional media and is characterized by the integration of narrative with interactivity, novelty of media interfaces, and dynamic content modification by media users in a socially collaborative or competitive environment. This unique nature of games demands a re-interpretation of traditional theories and integration with newer design theories that can adequately account for the study of game design and their effects in the field of communication. The results of my interpretative work highlight areas that require a new form of inquiry in game research and the role of design in integrating designers, researchers, and game players to build situated dynamic theories of game design and media effects.


Nandhini Giri
Assistant Professor, Computer Graphics Technology, Purdue University, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Towards a (Design) New Deal


Game Design Research, Design Practices, Design Inquiry