Design Training in First Classes in the Pandemia Process


Design thinking is taught in the first year of architectural education. Students encounter new concepts such as scale, measure, and proportion in architectural education and use these concepts to describe a design. The interpretation of natural, artificial, and social environment data by the designer in the design process is one of the part of architectural education. The Building Information2 course which is given in the first year at Yıldız Technical University, Department of Architecture, gives students the necessary skills to design the environments to meet human needs. The course teaches the use of natural, social, and artificial environmental data in design and site plan. The lesson is taught theoretically two hours a week during the semester. Theoretical education is supported by sketch tasks. The lessons were taught face-to-face in the first six weeks of the 2019-2020 spring semester and as of the 8th week (16.03.2020), the lessons continued as a on online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Buildings given to students as homework, a program prepared to explain face-to-face in the classroom were made in online because of compelling reasons as of the 9th week. All of the students who listened to the lesson transferred to sketches of 3 buildings they chose from the buildings described that week and sent them to us via e-mail. The lesson started with 71students and continued for 15 weeks with the participation of 66 students. The purpose of this paper is to share details on how remote design education can be taught effectively.


Eli̇f Ceren Tay
Student, PHd, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey

Yasemen Say Özer
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design Education, Building Information 2 Course, Sketch