Blending Graphic Design: Pedagogical Approaches


Graphic design program facilitators are encouraged to include blended learning components as an integral part of the curriculum to align with developing University approaches and create meaningful learning experiences for students. Traditionally the major subjects in a graphic design program rely heavily on practical instruction which is underpinned by a theoretical foundation. Blended learning modalities offer opportunities for collaboration and which are highly valued in a graphic design course as they are perceived as a reflection of design professional practice. Additionally consistent online availability of lecture notes, presentations, podcasts, instructional videos, and self-learning activities have been shown to improve students’ performance in a number of fields. However, due to the emergent, creative, and praxis driven nature of the design process, the incorporation of blended learning into a practice-led program such as graphic design is challenging. Blending a program limits the presence of the subject expert to guide the critical reflection-on-action process that manifests in earlier knowledge and design skill acquisition. This paper explores identified limitations and proposes solutions to integrating blended learning in a graphic design program at a historically disadvantaged University of Technology in South Africa.


Katarzyna Chmela-Jones
Senior Lecturer, Visual Arts and Design, Vaal University of Technology, Gauteng, South Africa

Reshma Maharajh
Lecturer in Graphic Design, Vaal University of Technology


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Blended learning, Graphic design education, Reflection in praxis