Design Without Designers – Everyday, Amateur, Organic, and Living Designs: Social Media Impact on Today's Generation


India has the world’s second-largest smartphone population and it is growing with unimaginable speed. The mobile business plays a very important role in developing the Indian market. The competition between service providers has enabled users to connect with the internet just like that. India is the largest revenue generator for social media companies like Facebook, What’s App, Twitter, etc. as a part of globalism. Cheap access to the world of the internet has converted every smartphone user into the designer in its own way. Everyone is interested in posting stories, feeds, and new status updates every now and then. This study considers how everyone is busy generating content and putting it on the internet without understanding its implications. These behaviors have triggered some cultural, social, upheaval, discomfort, and even resulted in violence in some cases. When designers develop or generate any content, they study the social fabric, understand the effects, limitations and social acceptance as a base rule, but when others post on the social platform, they don’t think about the probable side effects. Sometimes political debate, opinions, reviews are also taken personally and create serious consequences.


Rupesh Anand Gajbhiye
Course Coordinator, School of Design, Avantika University, Madhya Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Culture, Social, Social Media, Millenniums Generation, Smartphone Addiction, Fake News