The Dark Architecture: Architectural Design Method


In the architectural academic debate, there is no room for the old non-empirical concepts such as mystery, magic, secret, intuition, revelation, telepathy, and transcendental knowledge. However, they are present in the process of creation. Fortunately, some new philosophies address parts of such perceptual concepts in their discourse. This paper considers a practical method, which engages non-logical, more hidden realms of the mind and body into the design process. The dark architectural design process is an avant-garde visionary design method, which does not necessarily serve a program, a power, or a people. It is a revelation and intuition into structuring, morphing and inhibiting time. A compass towards time-space in the multitude of post-anthropocentric temporal-spatial networks. Making, drawing, coding, randomness, destruction, meditation and the narration are the zeitgeist of the dark architectural design process. It is based on sequences of absence and presence, forgetfulness and remembrance to conduct the metamorphosis of the design object. A combination of traditional and digital tools such as sketching, crafting, and digital simulations are used to embody the images that flow the mind through meditations. Forms are connected by a narration or a (hi) story, not necessarily by the shape .The design itself is not merely anthropocentric. Several matrices feed and morph the design embryo. After the synergy of the elements the designer mostly defines, controls, and monitors the breeding process, justifying the impact factors and forces. The person then leads the transmutation and metamorphosis of the design and the ways in which it disrupts.


Omid Jahantigh
Binaloud Institute of Higher Education


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Post-anthropocentric Mystery Intuition Absence Post-digital Drawing Making Coding