In the Making: Economic and Social Innovation to Build a Network, Learning from Nature


Since last October 2019 we have been trainers in a social inclusion course which aims to reintegrate women victims of domestic violence into the world of work. The training course, supported by Municipality of Latina, provides participants with the tools and skills to work with buffalo leather, a local material which is typical of the Pontine Plain. Buffalo leather generally does not enter the manufacturing process or is processed in a small quantity, often abroad. It is mainly a production waste, at the moment. Together with our partners, we are involving several public and private actors to strengthen the network and design processes inspired by nature. The goal is to create a supply chain for the processing of local materials (agricultural and farm production waste). With a supporting network and innovative ideas based on bio mimicry, the opportunity to enter the world of work after the training course becomes easier and more factual. Our aim is to design and start a process of social and economic innovation. We have already achieved some goals, such as a first collection of leather goods and a piece of furniture designed by our studio that recalls the importance to put the relationships and the quality of time spent together at the center of life. These products will be presented during Salone del Mobile 2020 in Milan. At the 2021 Special Focus: “Towards a (Design) New Deal” conference, we would like to give a presentation about the project, which is now at its first steps.


Samanta Snidaro
Director, SAND & BIRCH STUDIO, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Towards a (Design) New Deal


Education, Innovation, Creativity, Society, Politics, Values, Documenting, Sustainable, Process