Everything Old is New : Sketching as a Reliable Source of Knowledge


During the last few decades, we have witnessed an influx of technological devices increasingly becoming part of what we do and make. In many instances, even molding what and how we think about the world around us. As technology, continues to be the diving board of constant flow and change, it remains an indomitable force. Against this state of change, analog sources of knowledge and experiences, considered irrelevant not too long ago, have now jumped into the forefront of creative thinking, teaching, and practice. For instance, young designers who did not learn to write cursive in primary school, now learn to letter and calligraphy, use sketching a source not just of studying composition but also as a manner in which note-taking is a source of knowledge for designers. To some, sketching is even elevated to its own art form. This paper discusses the practice and teaching of sketching as thinking not just to problem solve but to learn about the world around us and its humble origins and resilient mode of communication.


Alma Hoffmann


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Sketching, Technology, Drawing, Learning, Teaching, Thinking, Design Thinking, Design Education