The Meta of Design Thinking in Thinking Design: Using Design Thinking to Support Designer Educators


This paper identifies the sometimes neglected art of teaching best practices using design theory as a way to scaffold and model-teach in design-related fields. Using a combination of educational theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the more contemporary Participatory Culture identified by Henry Jenkins, this paper suggests that disciplines within the design field would be enhanced by the adoption of a more iterative approach to instruction. This paper also proposes that educators teaching in design-related fields who employ more humanistic, constructivist approaches in the design of their teaching, may enhance student engagement, collaboration, and overall improvement in both the design process as well as the product of student designs.


Natalie O'Neil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design Education Process Participation Collaboration Constructivist Instruction Scaffold Iteration Student