The Study Situation of BioResources to Support the Community Economy in Thailand


This research studies the current situation of bioresources as well as the supply chain system to evaluate the economic value in the eastern area. Including the analysis of internal, and external factors and opportunities to use the bioresources to drive the community economy and BioEconnomy in the future. The results indicate that the bioresources in the community have a high economic value. The important problem is the operations cost control. Therefore, production costs are an important problem that community enterprises must find a solution and government cooperation provides the knowledge of operations cost control. Suggestions for the development of bioresources and bioresources products are community enterprises should be specifying the position of bioresources products. To create a core product for consumers to make a purchase and compare the different products. Importantly, the development of products from bioresources must meet the standards. This requires cooperation and assistance from various organizations. The farmers should grow the production of bioresources other than those naturally occurring that can be used to make the bioresources from community enterprises that provide the most value and create income for the farmers. However, farmers should have a confederate to production plan and marketing with the community enterprises. The community enterprises should create more value-added to be continuous to increase revenue for the community enterprise continuously.


Phannipha Anuruksakornkul
Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University, Chon Buri, Thailand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Networks of Economy and Trade


BioResources, Economic value, Thailand