Caught in the Crossfire: The Effects of Immigration Enforcement on Undocumented Student Performance


This research posits that undocumented students living in communities with elevated levels of immigration enforcement will perform more poorly on standardized exams due to the external stress and threat such environments present. We test whether passive representation and/or immigrant-serving organizations (ISOs) mitigate these harmful effects and whether the mitigating effects of representation are conditional on community ISO supports. Using multi-level data for over 200,000 undocumented students in Texas, we find support that both passive representation and the presence of ISOs can mitigate the negative effects of enforcement on student performance. The effects of representation, however, are contingent on ISO presence.


Daniel Hawes
Professor and MPA Coordinator, Political Science, Kent State University, Ohio, United States

Daniel Chand
Associate Professor, Political Science, Kent State University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Power of Institutions


Representative Bureaucracy, Immigration Enforcement, Moderating Models, Immigrant-Serving Nonprofits