Forced Displacement Due To Disasters: The Intervention of the Social Worker in Four Continents


Disasters affect communities and cause damage on a global scale, generating human, material, economic and environmental losses, forcing the displacement of populations from their territories, impacting the functioning of services, making public policies precarious, imposing on different professions and society in general an organization that often exceeds existing capacities and requires mitigation and prevention actions. The social worker is a professional with competence to intervene in disaster management and in direct assistance to the population for access to basic rights and benefits necessary for the organization in the crisis and in the post-crisis. In this perspective, the project Identification and Diffusion of Technological Innovations for Coping with Disasters Developed by Social Workers in Brazil, Australia, Italy, and South Africa (CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT notice No. 18/2021 – Universal) investigates the intervention of social workers that can contribute to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of these events in different realities and preventing the displacement of populations of their territories. The methodology is composed of several stages in which it is foreseen: documentary research, bibliographic research in national and international databases and field research with social workers who have worked in disasters in the four countries, identifying technological innovations and strategies that have the potential to be disseminated and multiplied in an interprofessional and collaborative way. The project is being carried out and preliminary results point to the importance of the social worker in disaster intervention and approach to displaced populations.


Maria Isabel Barros Bellini
Professor, Social Work, Sociology and Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University - School of Public Health, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Nadianna Rosa Marques
Student, Master, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age