Case Studies on the “Run” Culture: The Undercurrent of the New Wave of Overseas Emigration in China since COVID-19


For years, China remained Canada’s top source country of new immigrants, and then has experienced a slowdown in the past decade due to many factors, being replaced by India as the new top source country of immigrants. As of 2022, Canada welcomed 118,095 (27%) immigrants from India and 31,815 (7.2%) from China. However, under Xi Jiping’s regime, especially since COVID-19, outbound immigration has become a new hot topic on the Internet in China, especially among the elite class, known as the “run” culture, negotiating why, where, and how. Through case studies, this paper examines current domestic and international policies in China and society’s response.


Huai Bao
Faculty, Chinese Studies, Davidson College, North Carolina, United States