The Promising Role of Visual Anthropology Methods for Sharing Migrant Stories and Images: Uses of a Large Photo Collection of Refugees in the U.S.


The Refugees Starting Over Collection is a large set of images of the lives of refugees in the United States. The photos are unique because they were taken by refugees themselves, and include images from before and after their settlement in a central New York City in the United States. The majority of the images are from the Karen ethnic group originally from Burma. Topics included in the paper include the implementation of the project, the uses of the images, and the consideration that goes into the sharing of images, for example, who is the best person to share the images, what stories should accompany them, and what are the advantages, risks, and drawbacks of sharing images of refugees in today’s world.


Kathryn Stam
Professor, Communications and Humanities, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age


Refugees, Images, Social Media, Resettlement, United States, Burma