Thematic Dynamics of Internet of Things : Impact on Digital Personalized Healthcare


Information technology has continued to shape contemporary thematic trends. Advances in communication have impacted almost all themes ranging from education, engineering, healthcare, and many other aspects of our daily lives. This paper reviews the different dynamics of the thematic IoT platforms. A select number of themes are extensively analyzed with emphasis on data mining (DM), personalized healthcare (PHC), and thematic trends of a subjectively identified IoT-related publications over three years. In this paper, the number of IoT-related-publications is used as a proxy representing the number of apps. DM remains the trailblazer, serving as a theme with crosscutting qualities that drive artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data transformation. A case study in PHC illustrates the importance, complexity, productivity optimization, and nuances contributing to a successful IoT platform. Among the initial 99 IoT themes, 18 are extensively analyzed using the number of IoT publications to demonstrate a combination of different thematic dynamics, including subtleties that influence escalating IoT publication themes. Based on findings amongst the 99 themes, the annual median IoT-related publications for all the themes over the four years were increasingly 5510, 8930, 11700, and 14800 for 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively; indicating an upbeat prognosis of IoT dynamics. And finally, the vulnerabilities that come with the successful implementation of IoT systems are highlighted as part of the research. Security continues to be an issue of significant importance.


Bongs Lainjo
CEO, RBM, Cybermatic International , Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Power of Institutions