International Organizations and COVID-19 Passports: A Framework of Analysis of the Decision-making Model


The instrument of COVID-19 passport was discussed and promoted by several international organizations. Despite of a common standard up to date, the idea gained momentum not only bilaterally between states, but also in multilateral organisations, without distinctions of their intergovernmental or supranational character. The aim of this paper is to systemize models of decision-making on vaccine passport by international organisations. The proposed framework looks into leading actors, consultation processes and the decision-making model, as well as the interim outputs of these processes. The framework is applied on three case studies: the World Health Organization, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and the European Union. The paper provides insights into how international organisations are engaged in the COVID-19 biopolitics. Not only that the organisations can be leveraged by states for bio-coercive aims, but developing these tools is not anymore only an attribute of sovereign states. However, different decision-making strategies were used.


Madalin Blidaru
PhD Student, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—Life after Pandemic: Towards a New Global Biopolitics?


International Organisations, Decision-making, Negotiation Strategies, COVID-19 Passports, Biopolitics