A Spiritual Perspective on Coronavirus and Climate Change: Are they Related and How to Prevent Them?


There has been much debate about the genesis of the coronavirus pandemic and how to ensure we do not have a repeat performance of such a global tragedy. In the recent past, news about COVID-19 has swept climate change off the front pages. Are COVID-19 and climate change linked? The WHO says that there is no evidence of a direct connection between climate change and the emergence or transmission of COVID-19. However, ancient Sanskrit scriptures categorically state that they are and that they are a result of heightened subtle negativity in the environment. Using the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) and the advanced perceptoion of its team members, Maharshi University of Spirituality conducted an experiment to investigate whether the negativity in the environment around the world had gone up. Measuring the aura of close to 1000 soil and water samples from around the world indicated that high levels of negativity prevailed in the environment. Both developed and underdeveloped nations showed the same negative trend. Samples from the same area taken in different time periods showed a rise in the negativity by as much as 300-400% in 1 year. Soil samples in countries that were spiritually inclined had more positive subtle vibrations. Unless there is a reversal in the subtle negativity in the world, the world will continue to see a higher incidence of natural disasters and extreme weather. The best way to infuse positivity is for people to do spiritual practice as per universal principles.


Jayant Athavale
Founder, Spiritual Research, Maharshi University of Spirituality, Goa, India

Sean Clarke
Spiritual Science Research Foundation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ecological Foundations


Coronavirus, Climate Change