Policy Brief - UN Women


UN Women, a relatively new organization within the context of the United Nations, has the mandate of eliminating discrimination against women and girls and promoting gender equality. Despite its short history, UN Women has the potential to address many of the pressing gender-based issues faced by women and girls around the world. Through analysis of its history, goals, and projects, specifically within the region of Africa, the following brief addresses both the virtues and shortcomings of UN Women. Despite general success in promoting economic development, the formation of global norms, and productive collaboration with other international organizations, there is still more to be addressed in regards to underlying structural economies, the effectiveness of UN Women itself, and the future of gender equality. Finally, this discussion considers possible solutions to problems within UN Women and the field of women’s empowerment.


Kelly Cox
Student, Global Studies and Japanese, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


The Power of Institutions


United Nations, UN Women, Policy Brief, Gender Equality, International Organizations