The Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020: Lessons for the United States Healthcare System


The U.S. healthcare system has learned many important lessons from the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. This public health threat has highlighted many strengths of the U.S. healthcare system, but it has also exposed several weaknesses where opportunities for improvement exist. Five important lessons for the U.S. healthcare system from the 2020 pandemic include the following – the need to understand the pandemic based on science and data, the need for scarce resource allocation guidelines that are ready to use, the need for effective treatments, policy can help mitigate the challenges from the pandemic, and collaboration is needed at all levels of healthcare and government. These lessons can be applied to this ongoing crisis but will require the input and teamwork of all stakeholders for this pandemic to be successfully overcome. These lessons also represent a foundation upon which the U.S. healthcare system can build in responding to any future public health crisis.


Anthony Zacharek
Surgery, Covenant HealthCare, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2021 Special Focus—Life after Pandemic: Towards a New Global Biopolitics?


Coronavirus, Pandemic, Scarce Resource, Guidelines, Treatments, Health Policy, Collaboration