Global Convention on Human Clonning


Science brings constant challenges to the law, be it national or international, as it exposes the fractures that the legal building often has, transcending the current omissions of the international legal community. The speed of changes in the technological society translates into the acceleration of time and the destruction of the current ethical limits of human rights, transforming customs, attitudes, ways of life, and the very ontological essence of what is a human being. In this paper, I argue the theme that permeates all the interfaces between different fields of knowledge and possesses almost infinite potentialities for the progress of human society or its failure is human cloning.


Rodolfo Milhomem De Sousa
Legal Advisor, Secretary of Management and Digital Government, Ministry of Economy. Autonomos University of Lisbon , Distrito Federal, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—Life after Pandemic: Towards a New Global Biopolitics?


International treaty, United Nations, International Policy, International relations