Warfare and Diplomacy in the Development of a European Conflict: England, Castile, and Aragon in the Fourteenth Century


International relations were such an important spot in the development of a global European consciousness along the Late Middle Ages. Diplomacy and warfare were the two main gears which forced the medieval kingdoms to interact between them and develop, through the excercise of violence, a global image of a common territory which could be disputed. During the fourteenth century the English and French intervention in the Iberian Peninsula introduced Aragon and Castile inside the Hundred Years’ War, one of the most important episodes of European History. In fact, this episode demonstrates how globalization was developed in the European world during the Late Middle Ages. Along my intervention, I discuss how this international intervention in the Hispanic affairs was viewed by the kings of Aragon and Castile, and how they realised that their kingdoms were about to be part of something much bigger.


Gonzalo Franco Ordovas
Ph.D. Student - Contract Reseacher, History Department - Area of Medieval Studies, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Warfare, Globalisation, Dilomacy, England, Castile, Aragon, Europe, International