Gamification as an Instructional Strategy in Motivating and Improving the Academic Performance of Students


In this research, gamification was used as instructional strategy to motivate the students and to increase their academic performance. One hundred thirty two (132) students from 3 intact classes of General Academic Strand (GAS) and 97 students from 2 intact classes of Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) were used as the participants of the games while convenience sampling was used to select the students to give feedbacks about the strategy. Validated self made Pretest-posttests questions were used while perception questionnaire was adopted from Alfabeto (2010) to gather the students’ feedback about the strategy. Pretest was administered at the onset of 2nd grading period and 3 weeks after, the posttest was administered. Results revealed that pretest MPS of both GAS and TVL did not meet expectations with 41.54% and 38.54% respectively while after the treatment, the posttest MPS revealed outstanding with 90.69% for GAS and very satisfactory for TVL with MPS of 85.45%. T-test revealed that there were significant increase in the MPS of both GAS and TVL with a p-value of 0.00. Meanwhile, GAS and TVL students found gamification as very much appealing and acceptable that made the lesson easy to understand; and playful activities were very much interesting resulting to active participation. TVL students found it as very much meaningful and relevant to their real life while GAS found it much relevant and provides meaningful learning. The project’s implication includes on conducting seminar workshop to develop research modules incorporating games as instructional strategy.


Jennyvi Papellero
Subject Group Head i Research/Master Teacher II, Agusan del Sur Division/Department of Education - , Agusan del Sur National High School, Agusan del Sur, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Low MPS, Gamification, Motivation, Academic performance