Dissemination of Health News through Media during the Global Pandemic: An Indian Perspective


Communication of health news has formed a significant portion of news dissemination by the mass media. The vast reach of the media makes it an indispensable tool to transmit information especially during global crisis like a pandemic. Presently during the period of COVID-19, all types of media – print, broadcasting, and social have been quite rigorous in reporting the facts and communicating the health and travel advice on behalf of the governing bodies of respective nations. This study aims to shed light on the pivotal role various forms of media have been playing in the transmission of health news to the public during COVID-19 using statistical evidence gained via conducting surveys and secondary sources. The findings presented in this paper validate the role of media in creating awareness during a global pandemic by statistically analysing the role played by each form of media i.e. print, broadcasting and social during this health crisis. The study compares all the three mediums and finally comes up with a general conclusion as to which form of media has been the most successful during the pandemic. The research is based on the data collected from the survey and also the data from previously existing research studies in similar domains. Qualitative and quantitative techniques of data analysis have been employed to ensure maximum value extraction from the collected data so as to arrive at meaningful results.


Sushila Shekhawat
Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS-PILANI), Rajasthan, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—Life after Pandemic: Towards a New Global Biopolitics?