Local Peace and Order Implications of Drug Prevention and Control Initiatives in the Philippines: Case of Anti-Drug Abuse Councils in a Developing Nation in the Southeast Asian Region


Issues based on drug problems are one of the most critical concerns in the contemporary times with pervasive impacts in society. To this end, the governments across the globe devise and implement various programs in halting this social menace in pursuit of peace and order. This study purported to ascertain the implications of a drug prevention and control program implemented by the local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines. To this end, the descriptive design was employed particularly documentary analysis of the audit results of the local anti-drug abuse and peace and order councils of the cities/municipalities of the LGUs. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized in treating the data. Results show the computed p-value reflected in the table above proves that there is no significant difference in the functionality rating of the cities/municipalities. This means that the programs that are being implemented in each of the cities/municipalities do not result in increased functionality rating of the cities/municipalities. It can also be interpreted that the cities/municipalities should consider other programs which prove to be effective in problems similar to them. With enough evidence from the data gathered, there is a significant difference in the functionality rating among provinces. To specifically identify which provinces are significantly different from one another. The local anti-drug abuse councils complemented the efforts of the peace and order councils based on the mandates of the law thereby playing a pivotal role in the campaign against illicit drugs in the Philippines.


Carmelo John Vidal
Dean/Director, Graduate School/Extension Services, University of Luzon, Pangasinan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Power of Institutions