Preparation for Biological War of a Non-western Nation: An Indian Perspective


The idea of the study is to consider security policies based on the aspect of the security policies related to biological warfare in India. The idea is derived from the aspect of the new way that the security perspective is measured from India in the form of the white papers and other security based documents available from think tanks. This will give an idea on the dimensions of development of India and it’s security perspective for a new development in times of the evolving security need. Use of the methods would involve access to security documents and the process of collecting data to use in the discussion.


Mitrajit Biswas
PH.D. Student, O.P. Jindal Global University, India


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2021 Special Focus—Life after Pandemic: Towards a New Global Biopolitics?


Security, Biowarfare, Pandemic, National Security, India