Parental Involvement Internship Module: A Innovational Approach


Parents are the foremost, oldest, and ever-remaining character in education and personal to professional developmental. Capitalist managements camouflaged parental role to conceal their mistakes and emotional deficiencies to pretend quality education for capturing monitory benefits. Internship is also an important closing phase of learning age but maximum internees spoil their precious skill development time due to mismanagement of administrations. Parents, especially in south Asian countries, are sufficiently unaware with the practices of their involvement in Professional Development Process (PDP) of their children specifically in higher education. Research in education has developed many modules of parental involvement in educational spheres like Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Home School Project (HSP), Second Educators (SEs), Home Visiting Scheme (HVS) and Home University Agreement (HUA). Author designed “Parental Involvement Internship Module (PIIM)” for a journey from Professionalism to Personalization. Internship institutions are asked by the parents at the time of admission with the suggestion that parents or their close relatives/friends should be the tutor of their children during internships. Only this parental involvement brings wholesome benefits in Internship process for productive professional development. Any institution can adopt this module to implement it into its system for fecund skill development output.


Syed Aftab Alam
Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies/Religious Studies, Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Parental, Involvement, Internship, Professional, Development