The Olympic Villages and Olympic Urban Planning: Analysis and Evaluation of the Impact on Territorial and Urban Planning in the XX-XXI Centuries


The Olympic Games editions create urban transformation, which allows for a new critical perspective, concerning public services and management measures. I examine how management models will prevent or increase the exploitation of the intangible benefits, necessarily associated to the Olympic event. Olympic Village are at the heart of the Olympic planning, as they constitute the citizens’ Olympic legacy. The purpose of my research is to demonstrate how socio-urban implications, impact, legacy, and sustainability are fundamental aspects to be considered when planning and evaluating the Olympic Games. The analysis of the Olympic Village also describes the obstacles around the creation of a new neighborhood and the linking network in the future Olympic city. The project involves a multi- and inter-disciplinary methodology which, through a critical analysis approach, aims to develop a new way to study the Olympic Games. This investigation shows how cities should be favoured by these intangible benefits, which develop as a consequence of the Olympic bid’s success and the infrastructural evolution. Only thanks to these new philosophies, cities and regions could profit from the intangible benefits belonging to the Olympic game such as: employment, structure and infrastructure use, tourism, job offers, SME, cultural development, decision making, and trade.


Valerio Della Sala
PhD Student, Geografia, CEO-UAB, Barcelona, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Power of Institutions